get_compile_data Function
The get_compile_data function processes data from the SEND database to produce a cleaned and ranked dataset for further QSAR model development. This function includes filtering, data manipulation, and ranking procedures to align the dataset with experimental requirements.
Function Signature
The following parameters are expected as input to the function:
data (pd.DataFrame): The input dataset, typically loaded from the SEND database.
Species (str): The species to filter for (e.g., ‘rat’).
pp (pd.DataFrame): Pooling data containing pool IDs and related information.
pooldef (pd.DataFrame): Definitions of pool IDs, including their associated subjects and studies.
tx (pd.DataFrame): Treatment data containing dose levels and associated parameters.
bw (pd.DataFrame): Body weight data to help with additional filtering.
A cleaned and ranked dataset (pd.DataFrame) that includes the following columns:
STUDYID: Study identifier.
USUBJID: Unique subject identifier.
Species: The species associated with the dataset.
SEX: The sex of the subjects.
ARMCD: The dose ranking assigned to the subjects (‘vehicle’, ‘HD’, ‘Intermediate’, or ‘Both’).
SETCD: Set code for experimental groups.
Usage Example
Below is an example of how to use the get_compile_data function:
import pandas as pd
from sendqsarpy.get_compiledata import get_compile_data
# Load your datasets
recovery_cleaned_data = pd.read_csv('recovery_cleaned_data.csv')
pp_data = pd.read_csv('pp_data.csv')
pooldef_data = pd.read_csv('pooldef_data.csv')
tx_data = pd.read_csv('tx_data.csv')
bw_data = pd.read_csv('bw_data.csv')
# Call the function
cleaned_data = get_compile_data(
# Inspect the results
Ensure the input data follows the expected schema (columns and data types).
This function assumes the SEND database schema for input data tables.
For troubleshooting or custom dataset processing, refer to the source code and modify as needed.