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The get_histogram_barplot function is designed to generate a bar plot displaying liver-related scores, based on data either provided directly or fetched from an SQLite database. It calculates mean values for specific findings, compares liver-related and non-liver-related groups, and produces either a plot or a processed data frame depending on the function’s parameters.

Input Parameters

The function accepts the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description
Data data.frame, optional A data frame containing liver-related scores. If NULL, the function will attempt to generate or fetch data from a database or file.
generateBarPlot logical, default = FALSE Flag indicating whether to generate a bar plot. If TRUE, a bar plot is generated; otherwise, the function returns a data frame.
path_db character, optional Path to the SQLite database if data needs to be fetched from it. Required if use_xpt_file is FALSE or fake_study is FALSE.
rat_studies logical, default = FALSE Flag to specify whether to filter for rat studies when fetching data from the database.
studyid_metadata data.frame, required Metadata associated with the study IDs. Needed when fake_study is FALSE and real data is fetched.
fake_study logical, default = FALSE If TRUE, the function simulates study data instead of fetching it from a database.
use_xpt_file logical, default = FALSE If TRUE, the function will use an XPT file to fetch data, instead of relying on the database.
Round logical, default = FALSE Whether to round the liver scores. If TRUE, scores are rounded.
output_individual_scores logical, default = TRUE Whether to output individual scores or aggregated ones.
output_zscore_by_USUBJID logical, default = FALSE Whether to output z-scores by USUBJID (unique subject identifier).


  • If generateBarPlot = TRUE: The function returns a ggplot2 bar plot object displaying the average scores for liver-related findings versus non-liver-related findings.

  • If generateBarPlot = FALSE: The function returns a data.frame (plotData) containing the calculated values for each finding, with columns for the finding, liver status (LIVER), and mean values (Value).

Key Steps

  1. Data Generation/Fallback:
    • If no data is provided, the function attempts to fetch the data from an SQLite database or use a fake study dataset.
    • It fetches study data from the dm domain of the database if fake_study = FALSE. The study IDs are then extracted, filtered for liver-related studies, and used for subsequent score calculations.
  2. Data Harmonization:
    • The get_liver_om_lb_mi_tox_score_list function calculates liver scores for the provided study IDs.
    • The resulting data is harmonized using get_col_harmonized_scores_df to ensure consistency in the output data frame.
  3. Plot Generation:
    • If generateBarPlot = TRUE, the function iterates over the findings and computes the average liver-related score (Liver status) for each finding.
    • It then generates a ggplot2 bar plot with the findings on the x-axis, the average values on the y-axis, and distinct colors representing liver vs. non-liver status.
  4. Error Handling:
    • The function checks whether the Data parameter is a valid data frame. If not, an error is thrown.

Example Usage

```r # Example with fake study data, generating a bar plot get_histogram_barplot(generateBarPlot = TRUE, fake_study = TRUE)

Example with real study data, without generating a plot

data <- get_histogram_barplot(generateBarPlot = FALSE, fake_study = FALSE, path_db = “path/to/db”)