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The get_lb_score function is designed to calculate Z-scores for Laboratory Test results(LB) data, focusing on six key enzymes indicative of liver function: Bilirubin (BILI), Albumin (ALB), Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT), Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP), Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST), and Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase (GGT). These biomarkers are critical for assessing liver health and detecting potential damage or dysfunction. The function processes lab data from clinical studies, leveraging information from a database or .xpt files, and applies various transformations and filtering steps to compute the Z-scores efficiently.

Function Parameters (Arguments)

Parameter Type Default Description
studyid character NULL The STUDYID of the study for which the BW score is to be calculated. Required when use_xpt_file = FALSE. If use_xpt_file = TRUE, studyid is ignored, and the .xpt files of that study in the specified folder are analyzed.
path_db character - The file path to the database (SQLite or .xpt file).
fake_study logical FALSE A flag to indicate if the study is fake or not and handle data accordingly.
use_xpt_file logical FALSE If TRUE, reads data from .xpt files. Otherwise, fetches data from the SQLite database.
master_compiledata data.frame NULL If master_compiledata is not supplied (i.e., NULL) , it is fetched using get_compile_data().
return_individual_scores logical FALSE If TRUE, returns averaged z-score for each domain calculated from the scores of all subjects/animals (USUBJID).
return_zscore_by_USUBJID logical FALSE If TRUE, returns Z-scores for each animal/subject (identified by USUBJID).

Key Points: - Mandatory Parameter: path_db is required for the function to work. - Logical Exclusivity: Both return_individual_scores and return_zscore_by_USUBJID cannot be TRUE simultaneously.


A data.frame containing the calculated Z-scores. The structure of the output depends on the provided parameters:

  • If return_individual_scores = TRUE: Returns averaged Z-scores for each of the domain per studyid.
  • If return_zscore_by_USUBJID = TRUE: Returns Z-score for each animal/subject by USUBJID for each domain per studyid.
  • Otherwise, a summarized BW Z-score for the specified studyid.

Implementation Details

Data Preparation

  • Database Connection:
    • Connects to SQLite database using DBI if use_xpt_file = FALSE.
    • If use_xpt_file = TRUE: Data is loaded from .xpt files located in the folder specified by path_db.

Data Retrieval

The function retrieves the necessary data related to the specified studyid. The data retrieval process depends on whether some arguments is provided or NULL:

  • Compile Data:

When master_compiledata = NULL,

If master_compiledata is not provided, the function extracts data from the following SEND domains:

  • BW (Body Weight) : Provide the Body Weight measurements at the individual level.
  • DM (Demographics): Supplies animal-level demographic details.
  • DS (Disposition): Identifies recovery animals using the DSDECOD column.
  • PC (Pharmacokinetics): Provide USUBJID of the TK animals for rats and mice study.
  • TX (Treatment): Provide dose levels information such as “vehicle” or “HD.”

When master_compiledata is Provided,

If master_compiledata value is provided, this function retrieve the following domains:

  • lb (Laboratory Test Results) : Provide the Organ measurements at the individual level.

Laboratory Test Results(LB) Z-score calculation

  • Calculation:
    • Computes the Z-scores for six enzymes in Laboratory Test Results (lb) domain.
    • Calculates z-scores for lb domain using vehicle arm statistics (mean and SD).
    • Converts z-scores to absolute values.

Handling Optional Parameters

  • If return_individual_scores = TRUE, Returns averaged Z-scores for each of the domain per studyid.
  • If return_zscore_by_USUBJID = TRUE, Returns Z-score for each animal/subject by unique subject identifiersUSUBJID.

Fake Study Handling

If fake_study = TRUE, special handling is applied for data sets generated by the SENDsanitizer package to account for their structure.


A data frame containing the calculated Z-scores is returned. This may include summarized scores, individual scores, or Z-scores by USUBJID, based on the parameters provided.


The function requires the following R packages:

  • RSQLite: To connect to the SQLite database.
  • haven : To read .xpt file, if use_xpt_file = TRUE.

This implementation ensures flexibility in handling different input types and configurations while maintaining a consistent structure for the output.

Example Usage

# Example 1: Run the function with a given study ID and database path
result <- get_lb_score(studyid = "12345", path_db = "path_to_database")

# Example 2: Use the function with .xpt file instead of SQLite database
result_xpt <- get_lb_score(studyid = "12345", path_db = "path_to_xpt_file", use_xpt_file = TRUE)

# Example 3: Return individual biomarker z-scores
individual_scores <- get_lb_score(studyid = "12345", path_db = "path_to_database", return_individual_scores = TRUE)

# Example 4: Return z-scores by subject (USUBJID)
subject_zscores <- get_lb_score(studyid = "12345", path_db = "path_to_database", return_zscore_by_USUBJID = TRUE)