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The get_bw_score function calculates the Body Weight (BW) Z-score for a specified STUDYID using data from a provided database or .xpt files. It supports optional parameters to customize the analysis and offers the flexibility to return individual Z-score by USUBJID (unique subject identifier).


  studyid = NULL,
  fake_study = FALSE,
  use_xpt_file = FALSE,
  master_compiledata = NULL,
  return_individual_scores = FALSE,
  return_zscore_by_USUBJID = FALSE



Character. STUDYID number. Defaults to NULL. Required for SQLite databases (use_xpt_file = FALSE). Must be NULL for .xpt files (use_xpt_file = TRUE).


Character. Path to the SQLite database file or a folder containing .xpt files. Mandatory.


Logical. Whether the study data is generated by the SENDsanitizer package. Defaults to FALSE.


Logical. Whether to retrieve study data from .xpt files instead of the SQLite database. Defaults to FALSE.


Optional, character
If master_compiledata is not supplied (i.e., NULL), the function will automatically call the get_compile_data function to calculate it.


Optional, logical
If TRUE, the function returns individual scores for each domain by averaging the scores of all subjects/animals (USUBJID) in the study. Default is FALSE.


Optional, logical
If TRUE, the function returns Z-scores for each animal/subject by USUBJID. Default is FALSE.


A data.frame containing the calculated BW Z-scores. The structure of the output depends on the provided parameters:

  • If return_individual_scores = TRUE: Returns averaged Z-scores for each domain per studyid.

  • If return_zscore_by_USUBJID = TRUE: Returns Z-score for each animal/subject by USUBJID for each domain per studyid.

  • Otherwise, a summarized BW score for the specified studyid.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Example 1: Basic usage
get_bw_score(studyid = '1234123', path_db = 'path/to/database.db')

# Example 2: Include individual scores
get_bw_score(studyid = '1234123', path_db = 'path/to/database.db', return_individual_scores = TRUE)

# Example 3: Include z-scores by USUBJID
get_bw_score(studyid = '1234123', path_db = 'path/to/database.db', return_zscore_by_USUBJID = TRUE)
} # }